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One Week Intensive Bodywork

Deep gratitude to Noah Elkrief, who was working with me, receiving four sessions in one week and opening up this kind of offering in me. It is an offering for people, who hear the call, to visit and stay in the beautiful Alpujarras, in the south of Spain and to receive Deep Healing Bodywork three to four times a week with one day of integration time between each session. Welcome!

Here are some words about his experiences:

"I started my first session with Claudia expecting a nice massage and maybe some emotional release. But, what I got from my sessions with Claudia was significantly more than I could have possibly imagined. To start off with, when she touched my body, I felt incredibly safe, loved, and cared for. It felt as if I was a baby being held by my mother in her loving arms.

I have had pain in my hip area for about 5 years, and without giving her any guidance about where I have pain, she ended up finding the place where I had pain and focused a lot on it. I don’t know how she did it, but something released from my hips that enabled them to open up and lighten, significantly reducing the pain. I have been to many types of doctors, as well as chiropractors, acupuncturists, masseurs, and healers to help me with my hips, but nobody was able to provide as much release as Claudia did.

But, more importantly than addressing the pain in my body, what I care about most is to be completely free and loving in every moment, with everyone. I have devoted much of my life to investigating my emotions and releasing traumas from my body. However, much to my surprise, Claudia was somehow able to identify and help me release emotions that were really preventing me from loving and physically connecting with others on a deep level. All without me even saying a word. She was so connected with me during our sessions that she knew what was going on in my body better than I did. I felt more intimately connected with Claudia during our sessions than I ever have with any other human being.

After working with Claudia, I feel like a different human being… more loving, more free, more powerful, and less pain. She is easily the most gifted bodyworker I have ever experienced. I can’t recommend sessions with her highly enough."

Testimonial by NOAH ELKRIEF,

​© 2024 by Claudia Neubert



Rechtlicher Hinweis

Ich bin gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet, Dir Folgendes mitzuteilen:

Alle Beratungen, Behandlungen und Seminare, die ich anbiete, dienen der Aktivierung deiner Selbstheilungskräfte und ersetzen nicht die Diagnose und/oder Behandlung durch einen Arzt oder Heilpraktiker. Meine Arbeit ersetzt keinen Arzt, Heilpraktiker oder Psychiater sowie andere hilfreiche unterstützende physio- oder mental-therapeutische Behandlungen, sondern dienen ausschließlich als geistige und mentale Genesungshilfen sowie der spirituellen Lebensführung. Laut der aktuellen Rechtssprechung sind meine Angebote ausdrücklich keine medizinische Behandlung, sondern dienen der Seelsorge mit dem Ziel der Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte.


Meine Coaching-Angebote sind NICHT therapeutisch, ich übe beratende Tätigkeiten aus, die Deine Selbstheilungskräfte aktivieren sollen. Meine psychologischen Beratungen und Coachings werden nicht von der Krankenkasse übernommen, da es Verfahren der Humanistischen Psychologie sind, die nicht abgerechnet werden können. Zudem bist Du in jeglicher Hinsicht selbstverantwortlich, denn genau da fängt Gesundheit auf physischer und psychischer Ebene an.

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